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Electronics workshop

The IKP electronics workshop designs and constructs electronics for nuclear physics experiments. This includes

  • Construction of prototypes.
  • Small series production in cooperation with external service providers.
  • Maintenance, repair and modernization of existing electronic equipment.
  • Advice and technical support for the individual research groups and the institute management in the areas of data acquisition, tandem electronics and practical training.

Electronics for nuclear physics experiments

Front-end electronics for:

  • Charge-sensitive preamplifiers (cold and warm part) for encapsulated & segmented HP-Ge detectors
  • Charge-sensitive preamplifiers for silicon detectors, DSSSD, solar cells etc.
  • Charge-sensitive preamplifiers with integrated CFD (8-fold). Developed for various scintillators, e.g. NaI(Tl), BGO, plastic scintillators.
  • Charge sensitive preamplifier with integrated pulser (16 bit resolution). Developed for AGATA core channels.

NIM modular electronics:

  • Fast Filter Amplifier (8-fold). Developed for MINIBALL, HORUS etc.
  • Logic FanIn-FanOut 3 to 39 and 39 to 3. Developed for MINIBALL.
  • AGATA Core Differential to Single Ended and Pulser controller. Developed for AGATA test measurements.
  • Differential to single ended converter with two 26 pin (MDR) connector inputs and 2 x 6 BNC outputs. Designed for AGATA test setup.
  • Differential to single-ended converter with 34 pin connector inputs, 16 BNC outputs. Designed for DSSSD, solar cell detectors.
  • Delay gate generators (6-fold TTL logic (opt. NIM logic), 6-fold adjustable delay, 6-fold adjustable width).
  • Delay gate generators (8-fold TTL logic, 8-fold adjustable delay, 8-fold adjustable width).
  • Level converters (8-fold NIM logic, TTL, ECL converter).
  • Neutron gamma discriminator. Developed for liquid scintillators.

CAMAC modular electronics:

  • Dual 16k MCA with analog sliding scale correction, 64k SRAM and opt. FERA bus.
  • DGF-4C master/slave clock driver. Designed for MINIBALL and HORUS-DAQ.
  • Programmable trigger and 40 MHz clock driver (DGF-4C, Rev.D and Rev.E compatible). Developed for MINIBALL, HORUS.
  • Fera Auxiliary Controller (IKP-DAQ Köbes).

Compact two-channel 16k MCA:

  • Dual channel 16k MCA portable, dual 16k ADC, 64k SRAM/24 bit, IEEE1284 interface, optional 6V battery (with 9Ah => 4h), USB-2 interface (new)

Nuclear electronics subsystems for large spectrometers:

  • Electronics for DGF-4C based DAQ:
    • MINIBALL array for segmented HPGe detectors
    • AGATA Test-DAQ at IKP
    • HORUS DAQ digital solution
  • Programmable trigger and system clock distribution
  • Programmable 40 MHz master/slave clock with synchronous and near-simultaneous clock distribution.
  • Programmable trigger (three hierarchic level of master signals) with opt. LUT, (PTC CAMAC module) and automatic timestamp generation for analog channels.
  • FanIn-FanOut module For implementing the Busy Sync Loop (for both start and readout).
  • LV-Power-Supply(+/- 12V) for HP-Ge detectors.
  • Compact DAQ based on Dual 16k MCA CAMAC Modules
  • Dual 16k MCA (opt. FERA).
  • Timing Filter Amplifier NIM module (8-fold)
  • Constant Fraction Discriminator (8-fold)
  • Fera Auxiliary Controller for Multi-Branch-IKP-DAQ
  • Fera Auxiliary Controller
  • Solar Cells Auxiliary Electronics (Plunger Spectrometer)
  • Charge-sensitive preamplifier
  • NIM converter module (16-fold differential to single-ended).

General purpose electronics:

  • Tandem accelerator control and monitoring systems
  • Tandem pulsing (chopper) Renewal
  • Orange spectrometer Temperature monitoring
    • DAQ
    • Power supply interface
    • Decentralized temperature monitoring
  • Timing Pickoff